+44 (0) 1384 210613 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 19 Hereward Rise (GF3 & GF4) Halesowen B62 8AN
19 Hereward Rise (GF3 & GF4) Halesowen B62 8AN
+44 (0) 1384 210613
Elastic-Stretch Belts by Carlisle® Belts®
Ribbed Belts

Vee-Rib® Belts

Available in J Sections

Vee-Rib® Belts: Ideally Suited for High-Speed and High-Ratio Drive Systems

Vee-Rib® Belts feature a moulded rib construction for ideal performance on high speed and high ratio drives where conventional v-belts are unable to operate.

Ribbed V-Belts are designed with a thin belt profile and smaller cord diameters for maximum flexibility over high speeds and small pulley diameters. This maintains vibration-free performance on compact drives enabling space and energy efficiency savings over the lifetime of the belt.

A perfect match for industrial dryers, fitness equipment, machine tools, high-speed blowers and more.

The molded rib construction and chemically treated polyester cord enhances belt stability. While, maintaining the integrity of the ribs overtime and withstanding abrasive and extreme temperature environments for longer belt life.

Vee-Ribbed Belts feature a unique “truncated” rib design which enhances belt flexibility and resists cracking better than non-truncated v-ribbed belts

Vee-Rib Belts Cross Section - J Sections

Vee-Rib® Belts Features

Vee-Rib Belts Product Features

1. Special Polyester Cord with Chemical Treatment enhances belt stability.

2. Thin Belt Profiles and Smaller Cord Diameters maintain flexibility and performance at high speeds and drive ratios over small pulley diameters

2. Molded Rib Construction protects against abrasion and high temperatures with an improved rib formation.

Ribbed V-Belt Downloads

Vee-Rib Belts Product Brochure


Call +44 (0) 1384 210613

Email: sales@c-rproducts.com

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