+44 (0) 1384 210613 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 19 Hereward Rise (GF3 & GF4) Halesowen B62 8AN
19 Hereward Rise (GF3 & GF4) Halesowen B62 8AN
+44 (0) 1384 210613
Image showing Super II® V-Belt by Carlisle Belts
Heavy-Duty Raw-Edge V-Belt

Super II® V-Belt

Available in A, B, C Sections

Built for the Roughest and Toughest Drives which Devour Ordinary V-Belts

Super II® V-Belt is built to withstand the roughest and toughest heavy-duty industrial applications. The unique belt construction ends the costly problem of re-tensioning and replacing belts on drives which destory ordinary v-belts saving you time, money and stress.

Supported by the extreme stability and strength of high-modulus polyester cord mid-sections and specially formulated rubber compounds. With raw-edge® sidewalls for outstanding grip on pulleys and stress-relieving multiple fabric plies. Super II® V-Belts delivers longer life, greater flexibility and stronger performance on troublesome drives.

Super II® V-Belt Features

  • Treated High-Modulus Polyester Cord withstands extreme belt loads and shock without stretching
  • Unique Raw-Edge Sidewalls minimise belt slip, noise and drive vibration with outstanding grip strength
  • Formulated Rubber Compounds dissipate heat readily with superior resistance to oil, heat and ozone
  • Multiple Fabric Plies relieve stress on the load-carrying center cord for added flexibility and belt life

Super II® V-Belt Downloads

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