+44 (0) 1384 210613 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 19 Hereward Rise (GF3 & GF4) Halesowen B62 8AN
19 Hereward Rise (GF3 & GF4) Halesowen B62 8AN
+44 (0) 1384 210613
Image showing the Double-Angle V-Belts by Carlisle Belts ideally suited for Serpentine Drives
Super-AG Drive V-Belts

Agricultural Double-Angle V-Belts

Available in HAA, HBB & HCC Sections

Premium Quality Double-Angle V-Belts for Agricultural Machinery

Agricultural Double-Angle V-Belts deliver equally-loaded power transmission from both sides of the belt.

Featuring double-wrapped heavy-duty fabric covering, extra-strong aramid belt cord, and a unique double-cog construction. Our Double-Angle V-Belts for agricultural applications ensure maximum performance, superior horsepower capacity, and heavy-duty resistance to heat, sunlight, grease, oil and dirt.

CRP Agricultural Double-Angle V-Belts Available in HAA, HBB & HCC Sections

Double-Angle V-Belts Features

Double-Angle V-Belts Features

1.  Double-wrapped heavy-duty fabric covering provides maximum resistance to heat, sunlight, grease and oil

2. Special belt core compounds delivers longer belt life and superior horsepower capacity for driving more power form machinery for longer


Call +44 (0) 1384 210613

Email: sales@c-rproducts.com

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